Ese Ofurhie is on a mission. Hailing from the Bronx, NY (and also repping Sapele, Nigeria) this magazine publisher wants to give you a more positive outlook on the world around you. How? By Enlightening Newsworthy Subjects Providing Inspiration and Real Entertainment!
In 2012, Ese and her then partners wanted to come up with something positive, but relatable, to help ease the stress and frustration they felt at work and in life. Out of those difficult experiences, ENSPIRE! was born.
“ENSPIRE's mission is to highlight the positive things people are doing for themselves and the community in order to encourage and enlighten others. This is to be a movement of positive change in media and in everything we do.” ~ Ese Ofurhie
Eight years later, Ese- whose only previous writing experience was for her middle school newspaper- is now the sole owner and using her platform to spread positivity. Here’s how she does it.
What is your typical day like? (before COVID)
Wow, let's see, during the week, I am a public school substitute teacher. I answer emails and read pitches during my breaks. Evenings are usually spent doing more work if I am not out attending events. My day usually starts at 6 AM and ends at 2-3 AM.
Who is ENSPIRE written for?
Anyone looking for encouragement. It is also for business owners, philanthropists, entrepreneurs, community leaders, and change-makers.
What makes ENSPIRE different?
There is no publication that dedicates its purpose to what I am doing with ENSPIRE. There is no ratchetness, gossip - nothing negative. Not only do we want to highlight people, celebrities, community leaders and others, but we also want to have more people want to share their good news, positive works, and endeavors.
Why do you you call your magazine the “The Growing Voice of Positive Media?”
Media is saturated with what society thinks will attract eyes - whether it’s true or false, positive or negative - and as someone who wanted better for herself, I thought that positive truth was the way to go. Too many platforms use clickbait, sex or controversy to drive attention. I believe if we bring more positive truths and stories to the world it will invoke positive change. ENSPIRE is a movement for everyone to know they can achieve, know that there is good out there and they can be apart of it, too. I would love to see this movement grow into something people will know exists to uplift them and to make them want to be better people. I am currently working on transforming ENSPIRE into a youth program that motivates and encourages them to be great.
“I am a golden rule girl. Do unto others as you want to be done to you. ”
What is your favorite/most memorable interview?
That is difficult because I am so blessed to have had the current and previous cover features in my magazine. I mean gosh interviewing Monfiah was epic for my first cover. I am such a music head and I was such a fan when I was younger. So to have her share her story with ME! I was really blown away. It was a first for me and I felt so accomplished once it was all done.
What do you consider success?
Success is something personal. I started ENSPIRE with a goal in mind, and that is to create a positive movement known all around the world. However, I feel I have been successful in not giving up, in creating something that others can reach out to and relate a positive experience from. With that, I can motivate others, so that to me is a success.
How would you like to see ENSPIRE grow?
Definitely become a global name, movement. Nowadays media has taken an additional ugly head where people have to questions its value. I do not want anyone questioning the positive value that ENSPIRE brings to media and the world.
How can people support your mission?
People can support by subscribing to our website ( and YouTube page. Follow us on all social media, ENSPIRE Magazine. Support can be in the form of collaborations as well. Take a moment and look at the work of ENSPIRE to see if we align and reach out. And of course, purchase an issue and let us know about it.
If you want to learn more about how Ese’s runs her company, she shares some of her business lessons here.
Final Thoughts
What inspires you?
I find inspiration from GOD. I realized my potential and the gifts that were given to me and that is what keeps me going every day. I do not want to waste any of the talents I have been blessed with. Outside of that is my mother. I have seen her work so hard all my life and she still maintains to have time to love those close to her. It is inspirational because she is one of those people that everywhere people know her they show her love because of the person she is.
What legacy do you want to leave behind?
What is really interesting is that these times have had me thinking more and more about that exact question. I want to leave behind a force of strength for others. I want people to take away the fact that no matter how many odds are against you, keep your faith, and keep going. I want to have helped individuals find their strength, their passion, their why in life, and pursue it. I have been through so much personally, emotionally, physically, financially, mentally, you name it, but I am still pushing. I believe I was born to be a gift of motivation, of a source of something positive for anyone and that is what I want to leave behind.